Katherine, i think should win.
But I would like to see Paris..win too.
i just thought i would start a new american idol thread.. any comments on this week's shows?
i thought it was time for kellie to go.
i think she is just a darling girl, but not anywhere in the same league as the ones left now.
Katherine, i think should win.
But I would like to see Paris..win too.
as i am completing a paper for brci, i found something quite interesting.
the very first mention of the "catholic church" was made in the year 107, in st. ignatius letter to the smyrnaeans.
st. ignatius was bishop of antioch for forty-years, being appointed by the apostle peter.
Dear Jim... I am really looking forward to your paper.. I think, it's true that this was the beginning of the apostasy..for sure.. here's why:
See that ye all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as ye would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop.
Jim, following the bishop, even as Jesus Christ follows the father! Put's the bishop right up there with God. OH, my God. Also, an anti-trinitarian point here. About the Jesus as a follower of the father.
It is not lawful without the bishop either to baptize or to celebrate a love-feast;Oh, can't get baptized without the permission of the bishop...hmm, sounds familiar..
The early church was far more like the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Catholic churches of today, and somewhat like the Angelican, Lutheran.ith a dash of Evangelical.
Yes, maybe the early church, but not the church, the way Jesus and apostles wanted it.. not at all. Thanks, looking forward to the paper.
Thanks Rob, I wonder if anyone saw it.
I heard something about the psychics hearing music...Did anyone watch it or hear anything?
i never recieved any answers from the mighty ones regarding why they were called the faithful and dscret slaves.
and if their mission was to give out food to the naive mindless flock , then why was i starving for answers?
soon i gave up when mom continually said to keep to my lessons in the wt and stop questioning jehopes orderly organization..
The truth is the WT is now, the EVIL slave, which is talked of right after the faithful slave in Math. 24. (With the hypocrites, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth)
That's what I believe anyways...
ok yesterday i was on my way to bally's and thought i would stop at target to get a coffee (they have a new starbucks in there) and get a few things first.. thing is, on my way there i noticed that there was just something in the atmosphere that day.
pretty weird.
couldn't put my finger on it.. target is located at the west end of a strip mall.
I figure if I do play by their rules still, then I am still 'captive'. If a person asks me not to contact them, fine, that is their wishes. But until I am asked by the individual, I am not going to play dead.
This is great. I need to remember this...Love, OGGY
i have been thinking about this for a while and while a lot of things posted here deal with directing at the wrong things in the org -- here is another way to look at things.
for those that do not believe in the bible or jesus -- this will not be relevant...... if jesus were here on the earth today in charge of the congregation - -would he give the elders a flock book and then tell them this is what is to be used, with out the friends knowledge when it came to judicial cases.
would he threaten ones who look at it?
Good points... a few more..
disfellowship a person for smoking or anything else?
forbid sex practices within the marriage arrangement?
have all the future prophesies wrong?
forbid beards? Or anything trivial thing..?
The JW's have no idea how kind Jesus was...
alright.. i've been here for over a year.
and i guess after opening my big stupid mouth on jw's thread regarding child abuse it's time for me to share a bit more about me.... .
when i was in my preteens i ran away from home in the middle of the night.
wow, what a jerk, to abuse a preteen.
It may be partially the person's fault in the home, that made you feel like running out in the night...
no dotrinal question could shake me, but it was a personal one, out in service that started my initial doubts.
a man asked me: 'are you really happy?
' i couldn't say, 'no, i'm miserable' but i thought it was a powerful question, anyone else asked something that really shook them?
Yes, I was a pioneer last summer and an elderly man call of mine was antiwar and did alot of demonstrations and speeches and also fought for many other good causes. So, I always listened about all his causes of activism.. One day, he looked at me and said:
How do you get around not helping out the world, with the various problems, that are going on?
I just sat there with my mouth open.. as I handed him a WT and AW.
ok, sorry about this but i'm in tears and just need to absolutely vent..... i am so tired of being invisible, of not existing to people that have said they love me, to people who i've known for years.. i had to find out from the stupid newspaper that a family friend died from her battle w/ breast cancer.. just this week i finally get in contact with someone who had stopped going to the meetings 10 years ago and now that she's back... guess what ... that's right ... i hate this religion.
yes i am depressed today.
everything a person has built in a life time is just ripped away.
My best friend of my 1st 15 years as a JW..son died. He was in his early thirties. The funeral was right next to my house practically. So she called me and sent me the paper of the announcement.. When she called, she said 'come back to Jehovah'. But she called after it was over. But at least she called.
Hard to stay away...from here...something about it.